Prof Marianne Haseloff
The goal of my research is to understand the physical processes that govern the dynamics of ice sheets and glaciers, and to improve the representation of these processes in Earth system models. My research projects focus on identifying the main drivers of ice sheet change and deriving parametrizations of these processes suitable for continental-scale ice sheet models. I use both analytical and numerical methods to solve the mathematical problems that arise in the description of these processes.
Biographical sketch and contact information here.
Dr Kai Hu
Kai is a postdoctoral researcher studying the dynamics of the Lake Superior Lobe of the Laurentide ice sheet, which was a lake-terminating glacier subject to the same marine ice-sheet instability as modern day glaciers in the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. The goal of this project is to use a numerical ice sheet model to understand the chronology of retreat and re-advance of this lake-terminating glacier, which can be inferred from geophysical surveys.
Kai’s website is here.
Campbell Dunn
Campbell is a MSc student working on subglacial hydrology on deformable beds.